Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Persons prohibited entry into Malaysia

Entry into Malaysia is not automatic even if one satisfies the general entry requirements. The authorities possess wide powers to deny a person entry. These powers are contained under Section 8 Immigration Act 1959/1963.

  • Any person who is unable to show that he has the means of supporting himself and his dependents (if any) or that he has definite employment awaiting him or who is likely to become a pauper of a charge on the public;
  • Suffering from mental disorder or being a mental defective, or suffering from a contagious disease which makes his presence in Malaysia dangerous to the community;
  • Who refuses to submit to a medical examination after being required to do so by an Immigration Officer;
  • Who has been convicted in any country or state of any offense and sentenced to imprisonment for any term, and has not received a free pardon and by reason of the circumstances connected with the conviction is deemed by the Director General to be an undesirable immigrant;
  • Who is a prostitute or who is living on or receiving, or who prior to entering Malaysia, lived on or received, the proceeds of prostitution;
  • Who procures or attempts to bring into Malaysia prostitutes or women or girls for the purpose of prostitution or other immoral purpose;
    Who is a vagrant or habitual beggar;
  • Whose entry into Malaysia is or at the time of his entry was unlawful under this or any written law for the time being in force;
  • Who believes in or advocate the overthrow by force or violence of any government in Malaysia or of constituted law or authority or who disbelieves in or is opposed to the established government, or who advocates the assasination of public officials, or who advocates or teaches the unlawful destruction of property;
  • Who is the member of or affiliates with any organization entertaining or teaching disbelief in or opposition to established government or advocating or teaching the duty, necessity or propriety of the unlawful assaulting or killing of any official, either of specific individuals of officers generally, or of any government in Malaysia or any established government because of his or their official character, advocating or teaching the unlawful destruction of property.
  • Who , in consequences of information received from any source deemed by the Minister to be reliable, or from any government, through official or diplomatic channels, is deemed by the Minister to be an undesirable immigrant;
  • Who has been removed from any country or state by the government of that country or state on repatriation of any reason whatsoever and who, by reason of the circumstances connected therewith, is deemed by the Director General to be an undesirable immigrant;
  • Who, being required by any written law for the time being in force to be in possession of valid travel documents, is not in possession of such documents or is in possession of forged documents;

The family and dependent of a prohibited immigrant;
Any member of a class of persons, against whom an order to cancel any pass or permit has been made.


Adam said...

Every person entering Malaysia must possess a valid national Passport or internationally recognized Travel Document valid for travel to Malaysia. Any person not in possession of a Passport or Travel Document which is recognized by the Malaysian Government, must obtain a Document in lieu of Passport.


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