Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Karpal Singh calls on the Bar Council committee members to resign over dinner paid by Government

Karpal Singh called on the Bar Council committee members to resign over the council's acceptance of more than RM80,000 in sponsorship from the government for a dinner in April. "By placing itself in a position of indebtedness to the executive for a mere dinner, the Bar Council cannot operate from a high moral ground any more. I call on the council to tender its resignation for bringing the entire legal profession into disrepute," he said at the Parliament lobby yesterday.He said it was interesting that the government footed the bill amounting to RM81,965.75 for the dinner hosted by the council for its guest-of-honour, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi."It is difficult to comprehend how the guest had to foot the bill instead of the host. To make matters worse, the bill was settled not through Umno or Barisan Nasional funds but from public funds."
The Bar Council is not above criticism. Even within the profession, it has come in for some sounding from fellow lawyers. The Malaysian Bar Council prides itself on being independent and ever vigilant of the welfare of the citizens welfare. On this basis how would the Bar Council justify the usage of public funds. RM 80,000 may be a small amount for most of these legal eagles who lead lives of luxury. Such money could have been utilised for far more noble purposes instead of catering to an evening of dinner at some posh hotel. On this basis it makes the usage of taxpayers money all the more obscene. Granted , the Governmnet may have volunteered to foot the bill, but the Chairperson of the Bar Council should have had the common sense to politely reject knowing full well that it is the taxpayers money.


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