Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) suspended after accusing Dewan Rakyat Speaker of biasness
“The minister did not know that the statement he gave was inaccurate and had no intention to mislead the House. Therefore it is not necessary for the minister to be referred to the committee of privileges,” said Dr Wan Junaidi at 11.30am. Wan Junaidi was ruling on Karpal's claim that Nazri had misled the House two week ago when replying to points raised on the Judicial sackings of 1988.
This then saw an exchange of words between Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) and Wan Junaidi which saw several opposition members taking part.The exchange lasted a good 30 minutes . Salahuddin Ayub (PAS -Kubang Kerian) said Nazri should apologise in the House for not knowing his facts which had affected the integrity of the House. Dr Wan Junaidi told Salahuddin: “I do not need to ask the minister to apologise. My decision is based on the Standing Order. I do not want the Parliament to be a mockery.”
It was at this juncture that Karpal Singh told the Deputy Speaker that his decision was indeed a mockery of the House. Karpal Singh, amidst shouts of “tarik balik” from backbenchers, told Dr Wan Junaidi “jangan main-main (don’t play the fool) and the minister should apologise.
Gobind Singh Deo (DAP - Puchong), who stood up to support his father, ended up being suspended after he accused the Deputy Speaker of being biased."He (Nazri) makes the mistake and you are punishing me," he told Wan Junaidi after the deputy speaker and Gobind got into an argument over the merits of his decision not to refer Nazri to the rights and privileges committee.At the Parliament lobby later, Gobind Singh said: “If Nazri is prepared to apologise outside the Dewan, why can’t he do so inside the House?”
In the lobby, Nazri said there was no reason for him to apologise.“The Deputy Speaker has cleared me that I had not deliberately made that statement. Since there is no case to refer me to the Rights and Privileges Committee, there is no reason for me to defend myself,” he said.
“The issue from the beginning was never over an apology but about making the wrong statement, which I had admitted and cleared,” he said when asked why he initially apologised. ”The issue of apology does not arise. This was created by Karpal Singh,” he said.
Nazri had told the House on Nov 6 that former Lord President Tun Salleh Abbas and five other Supreme Court judges were not sacked but opted to retire early. A few days later, Nazri told reporters that he had made a mistake and that three of them were indeed sacked but had been paid pension on compassionate grounds.
This prompted Karpal Singh (DAP - Gelugor) to ask for a ruling to refer Nazri to the Committee of Privileges under Standing Order 36(12) for misleading the House.
Gobind Singh Deo spoke to the reporters in the lobby. This is a transcript of what he said:
"How does the speaker know without an explanation in the House by the Minister . How does the Speaker know what his defence is. And not only that, kita lihat Tuan Speaker menyatakan bahawa Menteri telahpun minta maaf tetapi di luar Dewan. Saya hanya bangkit untuk tanya. If he is prepared to apologise outside kenapa tak berani nak minta maaf dalam Dewan ? We are all honourable members of the House. Tapi as usual when the opposition asks questions we get thrown out. Doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter. Tidak mengapa pada saya. Does not matter. But this is what happens in politics in Malaysia. In fact I am disappointed. Disappointed with the ruling made by the Speaker. But never mind two days I think what is more important is principles.We stand up for our principles. If we have toget suspended for it then so be it. Kita ini perlu berdiri mempertahankan prinsip kami sebagai wakil rakyat, wakil Dewan Rakyat. Kalau kita perlu di gantung untuk menjalankan tugas , saya sedia menerima. Tak ada masalah. Tak ada masalah."
The said statement was not aired on the national television stations. But Gobind does raise some pertinent points. While the Chair of the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat merits respect, the speaker should bear in mind that the MP's are merely discharging their duties in accordance with their oath of office. An order of suspension is not one which should be invoked often since it amounts to a denial of the voice of the constituency which forms the very bedrock of democracy.
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