Irene Fernandez acquittal a victory for freedom of expression in Malaysia
It is indeed heartening to note the release of Irene Fernandez. She was arrested in 1996 for reporting that illegal immigrants were tortured at detention centres. Fernandez's 1995 report was compiled from interviews with more than 300 former detainees and alleged that illegal immigrants died in Malaysian camps from malnutrition and torture. The government confirmed 98 detainees had died, but said they succumbed to diseases contracted in their homelands. Did we really expect the government to say otherwise? That illegal immigrants suffer all forms of abuse especially in light of the absence and enforcement of the law is a fact. One has only to glean the pages of the local newspapers. The action by the government reflects the heavy handedness in which dissenting voices are subjected to action in Malaysia especially if it is one which places the government of the day in a bad light.Credit must be given to Irene Fernandez for having the courage to face up to the authorities and not compromising her principles. We must never allow the authotities to stifle our right to express our views.
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